Thursday, July 22, 2010

Cult of Personality -23/07/2010



I think the quote came from (while I'm grandstanding) ~

So to get to the point (as my work is wont to do, apparently), Smarty and I are off again on tour next week. As well as a show in Sydney and Wagga Wagga, we're also taking in the Nimbin Performance Poetry World Cup, with a $3000 prize money stake up for grabs. So here I am, sitting in the dark at work near 2am thinking about what to memorise, as far as new-ish stuff from the blogs here.

Any suggestions? Just comment here or e mail me privately your opinions on what stuff I've done recently that stood out for you.

Anyway, it feels like I only just got back from that 3 weeks out west, and I seriously haven't slept more than 5 or 6 nights at home since then. Working lots, writing lots, reading lots, hanging out with friends lots, nearly got my Wordplay pod casting finished, and I have a new musical project in the pipeline too. It's all good, but exhaustion is following me everywhere, my security blanket now. If I sit still in any one place or doing one thing for a while, I fall asleep pretty quickly.

A while ago the man said to me: I could have a chance at attaining my dream, I'd just have to work harder than I ever have in my life to achieve it. It seemed like a fair deal, still does.

You push yourself into spaces, physically and psychologically that you just don't recognise from the shape of people around you, my working hours, my vocation, my priorities, none of it looks like my friends' do, nothing on the roadmap tells me where this ends up, I could... use some rest.

I'm still just making this up as I go, but I am going.




Cath B said...

Yeah! Love it. I'm glad to hear it.
It's the kind of daring that I feel like I could do with .... I was up to 2am last night writing about my excellent time management skills (phf), to work as a Council drone. Ah!
So, does that mean a performance in the Gong is install? Could you spare a night down here, or shall I trapse to Sydney?

Cath B said...

Yeah! Love it. I'm glad to hear it.
It's the kind of daring that I feel like I could do with .... I was up to 2am last night writing about my excellent time management skills (phf), to work as a Council drone. Ah!
So, does that mean a performance in the Gong is install? Could you spare a night down here, or shall I trapse to Sydney?