Monday, July 13, 2009

Anis Mojgani -13/07/2009


A nugget that's been sitting in my inbox since late September last year,
Courtesy of my good friend Rohan D'Souza,
Gave me this in addition to a new predilection for Royal Stag whisky,
Binge drinking while bitching about the worst cock-teasers we'd met in our lives,
Reading me passages out of Tom Robbins' books,
While I contemplated his Bob Marley fluoro bedspreads,
What I got in exchange in addition to the above while lying in that Delhi hotel room,
Back in September 08,
Now its July 09,
And I'm feeling really really stupid.

Because I didn't have to be the last one to know,
But I am, as usual,
Worse still was that Rohan has kept on my case,
About looking this up,
Every month since then.

Rohan my man for black label bottles in back alleys,
Up stair cases in black bags,
For a few of my lousy poems and a Buddy Wakefield recital, a bargain,
Anis Mojgani has been sitting here holding his tongue since-when,
It was the time of my life, but, like~
Makes me wonder, makes me scared,
What the hell-fuck else have I got tucked away in these files that I'm yet to unearth?

Anyway, those are my issues,
And this is your link,
Smells like homework I know,
Sorry to do this to you,
I'm not the habit of just pasting up other people's shit,
Usually I figure my blog should be my content,
And that's what we're both here for,
Plus I don't want to associate myself with any kind of name-dropping thing,
But... me NOT sharing this link with anyone I can,
Through whatever means I can,
Would be like stealing something,
And short of train tickets and the odd street-sign... I'm an honest enough man.

Besides, we gotta poetic preamble thing going on here,
You might roll your eyes when you see '9.48' but I guarantee by about 2.53,
You are gonna be bummed you only got 7 odd minutes left,

I was:

On a night where writing was starting to feel like work,
Thanks Anis, booya!



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