Thursday, May 23, 2013

Randy & the One Night Stanza with Anis Mojgani -THIS SUNDAY 26th May (+ a competition for you!)


While I try keeping this blog as an outpost for my actual work and not just another arm to promote it, this Sunday I'm involved in something so fundamentally uh, fundamental to that work that it deserves a special mention:

This Sunday Anis Mojgani is doing a performing at a poetry event in Melbourne and I somehow begged, pleaded and threatened my way into getting on the lineup. And had them throw in Steve Smart with me for good measure. This is like if a boxer got to do a show fight with Mike Tyson or Muhammad Ali. Though I fully expect to walk away with less bruises and both my ear lobes. Steve and I are that ambitious.

Below is the first clip of Anis Mojgani poetry I ever saw, years ago and back in those salad days when I still took slam oh-so seriously. I know Anis' work has moved on significantly since then, but I think this clip still illuminates why I'm excited to be seeing, let alone performing at, an event with this man:

(if you're not seeing a playable YouTube window above click here)

I'm also really excited to be part of/associated with Global Poetics tour again, who in 2011 brought out other slam poetry giants Ken Arkind and Jive Poetic (and I'm also really-really excited not to have to fly to Sydney, back from Thailand to be on the marquee this time, anyway...). As well as Anis Mojgani GP is also being back Ken Arkind, his friend Carrie Rudzinski, and backing them up with other local talents like Michelle Drabowski and Freya Dougan-Whaite. It's going to be a great fucking show, sho 'nuff.

On a more personal note, and reflecting back on the differences between now and 2011, I honestly feel a lot more ready for this. When I met the mighty Shane Koyczan, I was so intimidated that I went out of my way to show how not-intimidated I was, and yep, made a complete dick of myself off stage.

I don't flatter myself that the pendulous vagaries of my insecurity verses egocentricity, is much better under control, only that I do the duck-gliding-smoothly-on-water-while-paddling-furiously-below act a little better than I might have two years back.


I know I'm going to say something stupid to this Anis guy, like I did with Shane Koyzcan, like I still do every time I bump into Emilie Zoey Baker or someone else I'm a flat-out admirer of. So why not just accept this as given, resign myself to it and furthermore, have a bit of fun with this. So I'm putting this out to you, dear reader: give me a suggestion of what I can say, something heinously stupid, something self-sabotaging-ly awful, something completely random to say to Anis Mojgani when I meet him.


Try and get creative here, but punchy and short is the key.  I've already accused him directly on facebook of repeatedly sending me naked pictures of himself, so you've got a good head start right there.  Send your suggestions to:

Meanwhile, I hope to see you in Footscray on Sunday, while Smarty and I are up there trying to lower the tone.  For a link to the facebook event click here.

(Though more importantly to book tickets for it click here)




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