there is nowhere else we can go
I can't really debate with you
the if
or the why
that this is wrong
the if
or the why
that this is wrong
I can't move to a maybe
or wriggle a little on
the pros and cons
or wriggle a little on
the pros and cons
a crippled four year old
girl who has escaped
persecution, torture
and death
was imprisoned
then deported
to an offshore
concentration camp
by our country
girl who has escaped
persecution, torture
and death
was imprisoned
then deported
to an offshore
concentration camp
by our country
...I mean I got nuthin'
do y'need me to draw you a picture?
there is nowhere else we can go
because here we are
a croaked coalmine canary
invading Poland
down a river not reaching
the sea, don't you
Australia, see
however it started
this is happening now
a croaked coalmine canary
invading Poland
down a river not reaching
the sea, don't you
Australia, see
however it started
this is happening now
and you can either see by now
the machine is broken
for yourself
or you are incapable
of ever seeing that
for yourself
or you are incapable
of ever seeing that
nowhere else to go
we hold these truths
to be
self evident.
to be
self evident.
you say, well
moral outrage is just
so easy in this case
I ask you in return
moral outrage is just
so easy in this case
I ask you in return
why should
how could
moral outrage
at this
how could
moral outrage
at this
possibly be that hard?
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