Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Wordplay Podcasts: Emilie Zoe Baker, 360, Nick Powell

Ah ha!

-so just when you thought I'd forgotten that you'd forgotten to remember to remind me to tell you not to forget the unforgettable Wordplay performances are now being podcasts... uh... I forgot what I was going to say. Oh yeah! Now I remember!

Get your bad self over to:

...and check out the July 2009 show. Geoff and I have been adding a new performer's set to the list since January, and will continue to do so EACH WEEK forever... or until we finish the job later this year.

So to recap -last fortnight we've added 3 pieces each from the amazing Emilie Zoe Baker and aussie rapper 360 (note: there was more they did on the night but we lost the recording due to some id'yiut pulling the cables)

This week sees Melbourne poet Nick Powell's set finally make it to your ears, with 11 poems at your disposal. Yep, that's right e-l-e-v-e-n, none of this 10 poems or 12 poems nonsense people so often try to scam you with~ 11 poems. Check it.

Next week we'll have Joelistics from TZU last ever performance (to date -he's not dead or anything ~relax) before he left for Mongolia, and boy, did he go out with a bang, I'm telling you, he did. That wasn't actually a question you know.

And If that wasn't enough (and I figured that wasn't enough) we also have Geoff Lemon's antics on the mike with Endless Questors and The Popular Culture cup.

My friends, the fact that we are giving this away free to you is just insane, but not as insane as missing out on it would be, if y'all don't click on the link above. So do that, and tell your friends you did that!

We'll check in with you again soon with more updates.

your mate,

-Randall $tephens


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